“The feature
on Jayme Leffler's rental cottage, May
was just delightful! She's clearly a woman who knows how to decorate,
and her home is reflective of a happy, enchanted person. I've enjoyed
decorating my own home and am inspired by her to keep going"
M aria S trickla n d , P ain esville, OH
JllSt wanted tO
say thanks for
the handy pull-out list of the favorite
websites you featured in July’s “33
Ways to Get a Great Deal,” after page
64. This is great. I always think Pll
write down the sites’ addresses as
I’m reading but never remember
or have time to. Now, pulling out
this insert and tucking it with my
computer is so handy and time-
saving. In this busy world, you are
once again making our lives not just
better but easier, too.
B o b ette, D o w n in g to w n , PA
Speaking o f time-saving.
.. head to
our pull-out this month following
page 60.
It lists websites we've come
across that can help you save time
in various ways: shopping, recipe-
keeping travel planning and more.
“33 Ways to
Get a Great Deal” was
the July issue’s icing on the cake. I
read the article twice to make sure I
absorbed the great tips. I even took it
to work so I could make copies for my
coworkers. I can’t wait to start saving
on my future purchases. Thanks for
another informative BHG article.
S usan M uniz
Enjoyed the
article on canning
in July’s “Saving Summer” article.
However, those new to canning
should know that some widely sold
waterbath canners are not recom-
mended for flat ceramic cooktop
stoves. The canners with grooves on
the bottom heat unevenly and can
crack the cooktop. An option is to
use a large stockpot and buy a
separate rack/jar lifter.
Je n n ife r B rad sh aw , C h a rlo tte sv ille , IN
My son
was visiting one night, and
he said he wished he had a list on how
to use herbs in cooking. I said I bet my
Better Homes and Gardens New Cook
would have one. Sure enough,
when I looked, it did. I bought my
book in the ’60s when I was first
married. It has served me well. My
copy is somewhat battered, worn, and
patched. The index has fallen out, but
I still have it in a bulldog clip.
J. A u tie ro , V a n co u ve r, B.C.
What timing! On
page 170you7/
“Mad for Plaid," which marks the
edition of our
Better Homes and
cookbook and describes how
four young cooks use their “Red Plaids
And be reassured that tatters and stains
make this recipe book also a storybook.
of being a
stay-at-home mother, I returned to
my career. While at home, I had my
own way of keeping up with the
housework, but that all changed
when I re-entered the workforce. I
struggled with how to make my
at-home time work better for me.
Upon reading the article “Quick-
Clean Routine” in the May issue, I
was delighted and knew right off
that this way of keeping my house
clean could work for me.
D en ise C ook
Thank you,
thank you! In
your July health section, you
presented a factual, easy-to-
understand explanation of celiac
disease and gluten sensitivity. It can
be very difficult to explain these
issues, but your article does an
excellent job. I’ve made copies to
share with others so they will
understand the seriousness of our
situation and see that we’re not
crazy or eccentric. I hope to see
more information in your magazine
as this subject becomes better
G lo ria G a rd n e r, O n am ia, MN
L0V6 yOUr
pieces. Just a thought: Many of us
have bought houses that have large
entryways and are unsure how to
decorate the wall space leading up
the stairs. I’d love to see a before-
and-after with several ideas.
L au rie E rn st
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